A storm drain check valve is a valve installed on a building drain to prevent backflow and flooding. Its purpose is to prevent the reversal of the flow of water, thereby preventing flooding and odors. It also protects salt-sensitive vegetation around the drain.
Check valves are installed in all types of stormwater systems. They work by using the pressure differential of the water flowing through them. The water flows forward through the check valve and then opens and closes based on the pressure differential. This prevents the backflow of contaminated water into the environment.
When stormwater systems have backflow problems, it can cause a variety of health and environmental risks. The most common type of check valve is the normally closed one. This type of check valve has a flap gate. It must be cleaned once a year to ensure that the flap gate is free of debris. It is also important to maintain the internal pressure for priming purposes.
If the backflow is not controlled, it can cause severe damage to the surrounding area. This is especially true in low-lying areas where backflow can result in large floods. The best way to control the problem is to use gray infrastructure.
A backwater valve is a valve installed in a sewer drain line to prevent backup from sewage or septic backing up into the house. This valve can be installed on a main sewer line or in the building drain. It eliminates the need for expensive swing-type check valves. The cost of a backwater valve varies depending on its model and features.
There are different types of check valves, but the most common are rubber duckbill check valves. These valves are made of robust rubber that is resistant to organic and marine organisms. They are ideal for applications that require a very low headloss. They are also designed to handle abrasive slurries.
Another type of check valve is theĀ storm drain check valve floating ball check valve. These valves are used in anti-flooding and air venting applications. They prevent trash from clogging the drains. They have a static head of 10 feet and are usually installed vertically.
The Tideflex CheckMate inline check valve is a highly durable, easy to install storm drain valve. It is ideal for municipalities and commercial properties. It is made of seven different elastomers and has no mechanical parts. It can withstand 40 feet of backpressure.
If you live in an area where seawater enters the stormwater pipe network at high tide, you may experience backflow. The best solution for preventing this is to have a storm drain check valve installed. Its use is important for the efficient flow of stormwater.
Some insurance companies require homeowners to have compliant anti-backflow systems. These are typically installed on the main building drain. A flood alarm can be installed to alert the homeowner when water is entering the basement. If you are considering purchasing a check valve, you can find information on them through the CAA-Quebec Residential Advisory Services.